Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Another Blog - at last!

Sorry it's been so long since I wrote. I've been quite busy but the other reason is that I was clicking on the wrong thing so I couldn't get into my blog!

I've started work on 'Mind that Cow!' a light-hearted account of my teaching in three continents - England, Canada and Uganda. They were all very different. I'd written 'books' about each ages ago but they need editing and I thought it was a good idea to put them all into one book. The title is from my time in Uganda. When I drove my 'beetle' on the mud roads, I was frequently reminded by my African passengers to 'mind that cow'! Cows, like elephants, have 'right of way' on the roads. The elephants, of course, are in the Game Parks, not on the roads. I was chased by one once. It was not a pleasant experience but we managed to escape from him. The incident will be described in my book so I won't go into it now.

Last week I gave a talk about my writing experiences to a local group. They were most appreciative and I sold some books which was very encouraging. I called my talk 'Better late than Never'! As I mentioned, I'd written some books years ago but didn't find a publisher. Now I have had 15 books published and I still have to pinch myself to believe it.

I've also recently entered a competition to write a 'Memoir'. I have it ready to post but, as all our local post offices have been closed, I have to wait until I go to the town.

Must close now and get on with some work.
